
The present guidance aims to contribute to the on-going global discussion of how to support communities building safer and protective environments for women and children.

This study seeks to understand the risks and the challenges faced by Lebanese and Syrian women in prostitution that are living in Lebanon, including those that have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Over 250,000 migrant women are employed by private households in Lebanon to carry out household tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and caring for children and the elderly.

How many Lebanese people know victims of family violence (FV)? How do they deal with witnessed cases of FV? Do they trust the police? Do they trust religious and civil courts? To what extent is the media helping? 

The following study is a first attempt to explore and better understand the demand side in Lebanon where little has been written on this critical component of the prostitution industry.

This report examines the processes and practices involved in the recruitment of migrant domestic workers from Nepal and Bangladesh and explores their work and living conditions in Lebanon.

In 2012, Anti-Slavery International launched a project looking at the situation of migrant domestic workers from Nepal, prior to and after they migrate to Lebanon. The work is implemented in partnership with KAFA in Lebanon and GEFONT in Nepal.

The policy paper attempts to provide policy makers, human rights advocates and other relevant stakeholders with a framework for the implementation of a rights-based approach to the recruitment and employment of foreign domestic workers, as well as examples and lessons learned

The research paper provides a detailed and critical understanding of the social context behind gender-based violence, with eye-opening results and a call for action.

The brief of this qualitative exploratory study was to conduct targeted interviews with female employers of migrant domestic workers, psychiatrists, lawyers and institutional stakeholders in Lebanon.

The study seeks to address human trafficking for labor exploitation in particular. The primary objective is to identify and analyze the key factors that make migrant domestic workers vulnerable to human trafficking within the context of Lebanon.

The problem of child sexual abuse (CSA) has scarcely been addressed in the Arab World, despite its prevalence worldwide.

Through this study, KAFA aims to shed light on some of the crimes committed against women and girls within the context of the family structure and its relations.

The exploitation of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon has been the subject of heightened attention in the media and by international organizations.