KAFA Launches Qudwa Parenting Campaign
While Lebanon is facing multiple crises, parents and caregivers are facing exceptional challenges, from meeting the basic needs of children to promoting and maintaining their physical and emotional health, while overcoming day-to-day stresses caused by the economic situation, shortage of resources, lockdown, and joggling homeschooling, play times and their own day to day schedules as adults. Many parents are seeking support in how to deal with their children. Therefore,
KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation, in partnership with UNICEF, and under the umbrella of the QUDWA program, is launching the Qudwa Parents campaign.
Children and adolescents’ actions and behaviors are their means of expression. These behaviors can be healthy or unhealthy for boys and girls and their families. Yet it is the responsibility of parents, caregivers, teachers and communities at large to do better at actively listening, supporting and understanding child development and the real reason of why children behave the way they do.
Adopting positive parenting methods to address the difficulties faced by the parents and caregivers with their daughters and sons, helps maintain a good relationship between them, contributes to changing the disagreeable behaviors and reduces long term negative impact on children’s wellbeing. Also, it influences how our girls and boys, children and teenagers, shape their personalities, self-esteem and their relationship with others (friends, siblings and adults).
Today, KAFA and UNICEF want to salute all parents and caregivers who are able to adopt these positive parenting methods and support them in learning and adopting such methods at these challenging times, making them the Qudwa-s (role models) in Lebanon and elsewhere.
The campaign’s objectives are:
• Maintain a safe environment and healthy relationship between children and adolescents and their female and male caregivers;
• Enable parents and all female and male caregivers to use effective techniques and methods to address their sons and daughter’s behaviors;
• Adopt positive parenting methods to address challenges with children and adolescents; and
• Provide free counselling sessions for female and male caregivers on positive parenting skills.
The campaign targets parents and caregivers, through:
• A series of 6 animated videos;
• A booklet on techniques that contribute to building a better relationship between parents/caregivers and their children and adolescents;
• An information line that would connect all fathers, mothers and other caregivers with KAFA staff and specialists to provide them with direct support, advice and information on positive parenting, stress management and self-care;
• Online awareness raising sessions for female and male caregivers.